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Este produto adiciona um vôo altamente realista, cabine e pessoal de terra para o PMDG 777, e permite ao usuário simular companhia aérea do mundo real voando a partir da perspectiva do capitão e piloto de vôo multi-tripulação.
- Real-World B777 SOPs (with new multiple User Configuration Options to customize your experience)
- Updated Graphical Interface System
- Electronic (ECL) and Paper Checklists
- Passenger and Freighter Model Support
- B777 specific Crew flows (Captain and FO, PF and PM)
- FA interaction
- Cabin announcements and Captain PAs
- Works out of the box with FSPassengers and GSX/AEX
- External ground/air cart handling
- Multiple pack configuration takeoffs
- Various approach profiles and Missed Approaches
- Turn-arounds/Thru-Flights
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